Sometimes it’s as simple as yes.
Sometimes it’s a stern no.
Sometimes it’s the acceptance of the fact that you know you’re wasting your time.
Sometimes it’s audibly saying I am unhappy here and planning to do something about it.
Sometimes it’s not picking up the phone.
Sometimes it’s a long drive to decompress.
Sometimes it’s a lot of self talk.
Sometimes it’s a couch with a side of ice cream and a good show.
Sometimes it’s allowing yourself to ugly cry it out or slap box the air.
Sometimes it’s mustering up the courage to say I am not ok.
Sometimes it is realizing that you are wrong and making amends.
Sometimes it’s allowing someone behind the walls you built up.
Sometimes it’s getting out of your own way.
Sometimes it’s learning to be quiet and choosing to listen.
Sometimes it’s admitting you deserve all the good coming your way.
Sometimes it’s not being surprised that you got what you earned.
Sometimes it’s stepping back and giving yourself breathing room.
Sometimes it’s asking the hard questions.
Sometimes it’s allowing yourself to have expectations and allowing for them to be met.
Sometimes it is trying again.
Sometimes our happiness isn’t complicated.
Sometimes….sometimes…it’s really simple.