Hey Friends,
**Disclaimer: I wrote this blog a few months back right around my 6 month mark and even though we’re a bit removed from that time at this point the rules still apply. Back to the story now.
What can I say? In short, it’s been six months. Back in May I took on my first account as a Senior Experience Designer and it’s been a journey of learning ever since. I had officially made the jump from architectural design to experience design and to be honest I was unsure of what to expect. Well I take that back. I did expect to be confused and lost in the sauce with everything. However, here’s the rundown of my first 6 months in retrospect.
Here are the top things I’ve learned.
You can do it. Even if it means you’re doing it uncomfortably the entire time you still can do it and I can attest to this. I’ve been uncomfortable this ENTIRE time. I’ve never felt secure in what I was doing at any point but I produced each and every time.
Being a consultant really means you’re a person lending your expertise but that boils down to someone giving their best judgment on things. You and they are still human. I say this because I came into this expecting to be perfect, but what I heard in meetings were subject matter experts providing their best educated opinions and testing it out to see if it worked out.
The difference between agile and waterfall. Now I’ll admit I’m still learning the difference between this in real time but I get the big picture of the difference haha. As told to me by my performance partner in architectural speak so I could really see it… the mindset of waterfall is much like architecture. You put all this work into documentation that results in a building and you address things that might be wrong after it’s done being built. The agile mindset is like starting on the kitchen of a house and choosing between moving on to the bathroom or fine tuning the kitchen a bit more because you want to get specific about the appliances. You have options and you’re always updating things in a cyclical way instead of one and done.
Tech jargon. Now coming into this I felt like my first couple of months were filled with acronyms and phrasing I’d never heard before. I mean I literally started a running list of acronyms to ask my team about after our meetings. Here are some of them to name a few: discovery, inception, retro, delivery, spike. Fun fact, I still get hit with acronyms today. This hasn’t changed haha.
I’m learned how to conduct research and I got to see the importance of it. Now I’m a designer in heart and mind, but the project I was on lent itself to very little of that. Instead, I had research and I really had to dive into it. I now know about creating research plans, conversation guides, how to moderate an interview, conduct research synthesis, and the like.
Bonus learn: It is always ok to ask questions. I credit my comfortability in this uncomfortable area to architecture and my favorite boss (hey OG!). Every unanswered question in architecture resulted in some part of the building being built incorrectly and that would always result in a change order. That meant money had to be spent to correct it. I hated being at the source of that mistake so to avoid that… you learned to ask questions. I’d rather know the answer than let my team go in blind on something I could’ve asked about. This is no different in tech. I also have yet to kick off a series of questioning that didn’t result in someone else asking a question of their own. So in short…always ask the question.
Finally, a fact I've observed…My coworkers are amazing and seeing other black people in tech is phenomenal.
That’s all I have for now, but I’m hanging in there. More to come soon.
Best Dreamers,